Healthy Meal Cooking Hacks for Busy Adults

Healthy Meal Cooking Hacks for Busy Adults

There are a lot of steps that go into making a healthy meal. Some people may watch the food they’re cooking and believe they’re watching closely enough. However, without fail, it’s easy to forget or include an ingredient or two that could quickly derail your healthy meal plans. This article will go through some healthy cooking hacks for busy adults to ensure you can have delicious, nutritious meals on the table quickly and easily each day.

Healthy Meal Cooking Hacks for Busy Adults

Tips for Healthy Cooking Hacks for Busy Adults

Healthy meal prep can be much easier than it seems. If you take a couple of steps in advance, this will help you make the most out of your time when cooking, and you’ll have more healthy meal options available to you. Try some of these cooking hacks for busy adults and see what a difference it could make in your day, every day.

1. Create a shopping list of healthy ingredients for meals that you can prepare quickly. It’s easy to get into a rut with the same meals. Still, if you’ve got the convenience foods on hand, it makes it much easier to throw something together to keep you from grabbing takeout or going out for fast food. Make a list of your favorite ingredients (even if they’re not necessarily healthy ingredients). Use them as a guide for quick healthy meals that you can prepare in minutes.

2. Use canned beans to make recipes that call for canned beans. You might be surprised at how many recipes can be altered to use canned beans instead of fresh ones. They’re a great way to keep healthy food on hand, and they make cooking healthy meals much more convenient.

3. Make use of takeout containers as a healthy meal-prep container. If you have a lot of takeout containers, don’t toss them. They have fantastic potential when it comes to meal prep. When meal prepping, don’t mistake packing your food away only to realize that you forgot one key ingredient and now have nothing to put in your meals. Instead, store your leftover containers on the counter (near the sink) so that they’re near at hand and easy to pack up for later use.

4. Plan ahead when preparing a healthy meal during the week. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day life, but it’s essential to take some time to plan your meals for the week and make sure that you’ll have healthy food options available. Put together a list of your favorite healthy ingredients, and make plans to use them in at least one meal each day until your next trip to the grocery store.

5. Cook with healthy oil or butter at least a little bit each day (even if it’s just 95% pure olive oil or unrefined sunflower oil). The fats you eat can affect your health in several ways, but few of them are as important as the body’s omega-6 fatty acids’ effect on your overall health and well-being. Omega-6 fatty acids are harmful to your health, and cooking with pure olive oil or sunflower oil will help to counteract this problem.

6. Make sure that you’re eating foods high in protein and fiber, especially when you’re planning your meals. Healthy recipes will typically include these ingredients, but even if you’re using your favorite convenience foods, it’s easy to make minor changes to improve the nutritional value of your recipes.

7. Use a food scale for accurate weighing when measuring ingredients for recipes. It can be tough to accurately measure ingredients if you’re not using a food scale, so try to use one as often as possible. You might find that you’ll use it for more than just measuring foods.

8. Make sure that your foods are cooked thoroughly before adding them to a dish. This is especially true for pasta, rice, potatoes, and other starchy foods. Cooking these utensils ensures that they’ll be soft and less likely to cause digestive issues in your body if eaten later on in the day or over days or weeks.

9. Make it a point to cook with fresh ingredients whenever possible. If you’re cooking a healthy meal, you want to ensure that all of the elements in your feed are fresh and as wholesome as possible. Use unrefined olive oil, sunflower oil, and avocado to make your meals healthy.


With these healthy cooking hacks for busy adults, you’ll have no excuses for making unhealthy or mediocre meals. Take some time to put together your shopping list in advance and try out some of these tips for meal prep.